Shared Videos On Facebook

Shared Videos On Facebook | If you utilize a Facebook page to present your service's items and services to potential clients, and likewise utilize a YouTube account to publish videos of your products in action, you can embed the videos on the Facebook page to make sure your fans get a possibility to see them. YouTube provides an unique URL that you can utilize to share and embed the video on your page, so the process is uncomplicated and takes simply a couple of minutes.

Shared Videos On Facebook

Here's how:

1. Turn on your Android phone.

2. Tap the Menu icon to go to the apps list.


3. Find and tap the YouTube app icon.


4. As soon as this is done, on the Exactly what to See interface, tap the target video that you wish to share on Facebook.


5. Once the video streaming begins, tap the Share icon (icon with 3 linked dots in middle), from the top-right corner of the interface.


6. On the Share this video by means of interface, tap the Facebook icon from the offered choices to share video on Facebook.


7. On the Your Timeline interface, you can put your thoughts in the Write something box, and tap the Post button from the top-right corner of the share the post on your timeline.


And one more thing please don’t forget to share this awesome trick to use the Shared Videos On Facebook with your friends.